9.12 | Kansas City Luxury Events Cone Wall

9.12 | Kansas City Luxury Events Cone Wall

Hello there - happy September. 

Feels so good to be here. I hate to be that person who wishes away days but man am I glad we are headed into cooler weather. I am over the hot heat. Check on your catering friends- summer is hard on us. haha. 

Kicked off this month with our Ez Cater orders picking back up. If your not familiar with the app- it is a catering marketplace essentially that businesses can go and order food for their meetings/staff. We went on a small leave during August so that we didn't get overwhelmed with orders.(thank goodness we did that!) It takes awhile for your listings to get popular again so they've started to trickle back in. 

Our first event of the month was with Kansas City Luxury Events. Jenny from the Roller Mortgage team had called me a few months ago asking about our charcuteire cone wall. Crazy story short we actually had met a few months prior at an event we did for the Reece Nichols Ellerman team. (Small world right?) 

Jenny was great to work with, and we got the opportunity to have our food in the hands of some of the biggest luxury real estate agents in KC (and beyond!) 

Check out the beautiful home we got to set up at. GOREGOUS.

Robert and mom rocked out 150 cones and had a blast! 


I always suggest adding on branding to our cones especially at events like this one. It just adds that little extra touch.

A really neat idea we've done at another open house was to have a QR code of the house listing. Clients can scan their cone and have all the house info in the palm of their hands. 

Did you know we have 6 of these cone walls? This one is actually our original. The OG that started it all. Robert made it for a wedding we did for our friends Travis + Chris and the rest is history.

Don't tell the other walls but this one is actually my favorite. Unless a client wants a logo at the top of the wall I typically ask the team to use this one. :) The other walls have a bigger top gap which is perfect for neon or custom signs. 

I often wonder how long charcuterie will actually stay around. Not that its going anywhere.. meat and cheese isn't some new concept but just the "trend" of it being so popular ya know? I question the popularity of it but we have this bad boy booked even at the end of 2025 right now- so maybe its here to stay for a bit longer. haha 

Hey- we are here for it. Can't go wrong with picking up a cone and getting your graze on. Writing that just reminded me of our old Olive + Co tagline. If you are new around here- we actually started out this business with the name of Olive and that was our motto for a bit - "Get your graze on". 😂

We had this weekend blacked out on the calendar for "moving". Our kitchen in the west bottoms is a shared space and we all have our own spaces beyond the shared kitchen space. We recently upgraded to 2 spaces and so they knocked down a wall to make 1 big space for us. Thankfully last weekend we moved most of our stuff, and started to organize. 

This weekend we are ordering new fridges, getting rid of the old and finishing up organizing our shelves. It makes such a difference blocking out dedicated time to give our space the love it needs. I hate working in complete chaos. I say complete because let's be honest it's always chaos over here. 

I hope you have a rocking Friday and a kick butt weekend. Grab some yummy food, don't work too hard and drink your water. :) 

Thanks for stopping by.




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